Wednesday, October 31, 2007


A man whom I have never met face-to-face passed away early Saturday Morning (10/27). I had corresponded with him several times and met him when he was liquidating most of his equipment as he knew with pancreatic cancer his time was short. I sent him an e-mail on Friday afternoon (10/26) and got a bounce message on Monday. I don't know if he ever got the message. In his memory I am posting it here.

Dear Diehl,

So often when I am feeling down or in pain I soon find myself looking at your web site and reading about how you are doing and I feel so ashamed for worrying about my little issues. You have been such an inspiration over the last year or so since I first purchased a couple of radios from you. I really wish I had been able to meet you face to face. I guess we will just have to wait until that time when we are both finally called home. I don't expect it for decades but God has his own timetable, so we never know when.

I was looking for the first time today at your wedding pictures. My Mom's name is Carol too and I had an Uncle Harry, whom I dearly loved, that could talk your ear off.

I just wanted you to know that I have thought of, and prayed for, you often.

Every time I go to your web page I thank the Lord for giving you another day and pray that he will give you comfort.

I shall surely miss you but rejoice in your glory when the day of your promotion comes.

Yours in Christ,


To read Diehl's cancer blog please go to .

Friday, October 26, 2007


Flew in from Dublin, Ireland this week. All I can say is that "THE TERRORISTS HAVE WON."
From the time I entered the Dublin terminal My passport was examined no less than 7 times. Once I got my boarding pass, it was examined no less than 5 times. Even after entering the jetway there was a team of people stopping random passengers and dumping the contents of their carry on luggage and frisking the passenger.

If you are connecting to a flight in the United States be sure that you have not purchased anything liquid from the foreign Duty Free shop unless you are willing to pack it into your checked luggage after passing through US Customs.

What is going to have to happen before we can get our civil liberties back.