Have I mentioned how much I dislike flying. Maybe if I lost weight I would be more comfortable on the plane and wouldn't dislike it so much. But I can remember 100 pounds ago and I was not comfortable in coach seats. Now even coach is segregated. They call it Economy Plus on United. An extra "5 inches of legroom." A 5 inch change it seating pitch should be noticeable. I could not see it. Even so an open row is an open row. Someone should be allowed to move to it to make everyone a little more comfortable. Putting two 300 pound plus guys next to each othe in a CRJ700 is insane. The Window seat is really only good for children, people under about 5' 5" tall, or a couple that want/don't mind snuggling up to one another. In other words there is no shoulder room. The fuselage curves in about 7-8 inches in 2 feet. So while I had a reasonable amount of hip room with no armrest next to the window I was forced to lean toward the seat next to me. This made it uncomfortable for both of us. and just 3 rows forward there was an empty row. But NOOOO! that seating was for economy plus passengers.
I have learned that since 9/11 and the latest rules implemented by the TSA to wear the minimum amount of clothing and "accessories" until after you pass through security. Also slip on shoes are a must. With getting to the airport the recommended two or more hours in advance of your flight and whatever travel time involved with getting there, having the airline call you two hours before the flight to tell you the aircraft for your first leg is delayed and ten minutes latter call to tell you that the second leg has been canceled is not very helpful. I did not find out about this until after I got through security and finished getting dressed.
Did you know that if you wait until the last minute to get your tickets to fly you will spend an extra hour going through security? It seems that the airlines have a code they put on your boarding pass that tells the TSA that you need an extra thorough going over. So even if you purchased your ticket a month in advance and your airline cancels your flight and as a "courtesy" books you on another airline; the new airline will flag you for special screening. What is going to have to happen to reduce the flying threat level enough to get rid of these silly rules that do nothing to thwart terrorism and just continue to make things inconvenient and to reduce our freedom.
I guess if you only have carry on luggage jumping up as soon as the aircraft parks and getting in the starting blocks by the door to race up the jetway and out of the terminal makes some sense. I don't want to stay on the plane or in the airport any longer than anyone else. But if you checked baggage, You might as well take it easy. It is going to take at least 30 minutes to an hour before your luggage will show up on the baggage claim carousel.
Have I mentioned how much I detest flying these days. I guess at the moment I have the freedom of choice not to fly, but walking to London can be so inconvenient and walking to San Francisco could cut down on my productivity at work.